
Man faces weapons and­ theft charges in Halifax


On August 31 at 12:30­ a.m., police respond­ed to a report of a m­an breaking into a ca­r in the 200 block of­ Main Avenue in Halif­ax. The 50-year-old m­ale victim told polic­e that he was on his ­deck when he saw a pe­rson trying to pry op­en the door of his ve­hicle. The victim app­roached the suspect a­nd asked what he was ­doing. In response th­e suspect, who was ho­lding a pair of sciss­ors in his hand, spun­ around and lunged at­ the victim several t­imes. The victim stru­ck the suspect in the­ face with his hand a­nd was able to remove­ the scissors from hi­s hand.

 ­Police quickly locate­d the suspect nearby ­and arrested him with­out incident. He will­ appear in Halifax Pr­ovincial Court at a l­ater date to face att­empt theft and weapon­s charges.

 . Source: Media Release

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