
Matching and memory in the rain

I received this guest post from Carolyn Clegg a few weeks ago during those long days of rain. I didn't get a chance to publish it before we started having beautiful weather, but now with Hurricane Bill today, it seems like a good time! If your power is on and you have a printer, you can print out the images Carolyn used here to make your own game. Stay safe!

After climbing the walls with my daughter for the fourth consecutive rainy day, I decided it was time to slow things down a bit and work on her language and concentration skills.

Matching supplies

I decided a matching game would do the trick. I chose nine images that she can identify and set them out in a grid using my computer. I printed off two copies of the grid and laminated the front and back of each sheet of paper using a transparent contact paper I purchased from the hardware store.

The next step was to cut one of the grids down to individual images. From there my daughter could place each individual image on top of the corresponding image on the full grid.

This can be done with colours, shapes or photos of loved ones as well.

For an older child, cut down the second grid into individual images as well and play a memory game .

A few other matching and sorting activities we’ve done in the past include:

  • Matching fabric swatches  (cut a fabric swatch into matching squares)
  • Placing coloured popsicle sticks on corresponding coloured construction paper. (Bonus: it's fun to watch a toddler colour popsicle sticks – they get more marker on themselves than on the sticks!)
  • Sorting and matching various pots with their lids
  • Sorting and matching socks when folding the laundry
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