May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn

L-A: Oh hey, guess what the forecast is this week?

That’s right. Shitty with a chance of miserable.

Halifax, your weather can bite me

Thursday better effing deliver on that sun.

That’s why every post this week is dedicated to the rainy weather we’ve been enduring all month long (although, some of the rain themed thoughts are coming from Vancouver).

If we have to dress for the weather, we may as well do it in the cutest way possible. That’s just a nice way of telling you that the shoe porn today is all rainboots. Which, when you think about it, is as porny as the underwear section of the Sears catalogue. Sure the ladies are barely dressed, but there’s nothing sexy about them or their underwear. Even if your rainboots are cute, they probably aren’t all that sexy.  (Feel free to prove me wrong). You’ve already seen a few of these boots before, but that’s okay. You probably aren’t paying attention to rainboots when they’re surrounded by other prettier shoes.

May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn May Showers Week: Rainboots may be cute, but aren’t really shoe porn Sheila's adroable Walmart boots. She likes the adjustable tabs. Sherry's adorable pink and red plaid help cheer her up on rainy days.

I know the theme this week may seem lame, but, well…

Halifax, your weather can bite me 0 0

Ally: Thanks to L-A for writing this post while I drank red wine and watched a repeat episode of The Voice. I’m not going to lie. I’m into it.

Halifax, your weather can bite me 1 1

Anyways. Whatever. It’s raining. My hair is in a ponytail. Nothing new here.

Bring the sun, Thursday. Please.

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The Traveller

Photopool: Remember The Sun Series: Halifax Waterfront
