Guest Poster Chris Norris has declared it Spring, at least when it comes to his wardrobe. Tired of all the gloomy clothing choices he has taken upon himself to introduce some color back into his life.
After a string of insanely cold weeks, and many a storm, today is my declaration of hope for SPRING!
So in celebration of nicer (or at least tolerable) weather, I’m doing something I rarely do – wear color! Bright colors at that!
Still a casual look, but with the button-up cardigan, I think it works. 🙂
Special thanks to Nicola Jefferis for the photos.
(Featured Items: H&M | Belt: thrifted).
Hope you enjoyed this guest post from Chris Norris; we certainly loved having him! If you think you have what it takes to be featured in Short Presents’ Menswear Monday then send your submissions to
*Tips for taking photos:
Have a friend photograph you (avoid “selfies” in the mirror).
Make sure to include one FULL BODY shot (including shoes) to make sure the outfit is easily visible.
Shoot outdoors in clear natural light (No flash)
Find a simple non-distracting background. Consider composition.
Don’t forget to SMILE 🙂 fashion is fun after all.
Happy Monday,
Short Presents