
Merry Listmas! L-A wants stuff!

Merry Listmas! L-A wants stuff!

L-A: What up, y’all! I’m pretty stoked about Listmas. I got a bunch of lists in my inbox and I kind of can’t wait to share. But I will. Because today’s list is all about me! And other than my general wish for the happiness and well-being of the world and the outlawing of leggings as pants (Santa will come through for me on that one…I know he will) and maybe an unlimited yoga pass (for my own happiness and well-being) this is my totally materialistic wish list for stuff.

Because, you see, I don’t have a kid and I rent, so things like presents for children (other than my nephews) and front loading washers just don’t factor in to my life (I just call the landlord when the washer breaks). This might make me a shallow person, but that’s okay. So here’s my list:

1. Sky(mall)’s the limit (aka. I window shopped the interwebs):

Yeah, no surprises here I’m sure. But let’s run through that hastily photoshopped collage (in a roughly clockwise fashion):

1. a cocktail ring that comes with a cocktail recipe. Also known as, genius. (if only it came in “sidecar”)

2. glitter shoes

3. a nautical rope friendship bracelet with an anchor clasp. This is like three of my favourite things in one accessory.

4. a record player and some headphones. The Amy Winehouse is negotiable (I think I’d actually prefer Pet Sounds), but I think Amy Winehouse (may she rest in peace) would be awesome on the turntable.

5. yet another adorable friendship bracelet.

6. saddle shoes (yes, still)

7. an enamel pill key chain from Jonathan Adler. I don’t need a new key chain, but that one’s a hoot.

8. Archer – the font. I may be the only person who doesn’t work in design who would like to buy a font.

9. probably a newer version of photoshop and my very own copy of InDesign. That’d be rad.


2. Awesome things I would like locally, please

Because as much fun as interweb shipping is, shopping locally is teh best. I haven’t had a chance to get out to do any shopping lately (there’s still lots of time to shop for Christmas!), so I had to find pictures on the interwebs, but every one of these things is local. Some I may actually purchase for myself loved ones.



These fancily photoshopped things are (again, in a somewhat clockwise fashion):

1. adorable rosebud earrings by Dear Faithful and a leather braided bracelet. Both from Love, Me Boutique (one of many stores where I could go in blindfolded, point, and find something I love. I hope they still have those bracelets).

2. a nautical pillow and a ring with a boat on it. Two things I clearly need in my life. Thank you, J & R Grimsmo for making me aware of these things.

3. one of the few things I love almost as much as all things nautical are Luck Cats. I think they’re ridiculously adorable and have a small collection. I think the collection could grow a bit, especially now that Biscuit is selling them.

4. I kind of want another one of these sparkly Shashi bracelets from Foreign Affair. I have one in black and white and it was love at first sight. I can’t believe I ever over-accessorized without it.

5. I don’t know if Biscuit still has this coat, but I caught sight of it in their pictures of new stuff for fall and I’m really hoping it’s still there. It’s pretty much the most adorable ever. I want/need it.

6. Not pictured, but something I would consider holding up a convenience store for, are the paintings by Angela Carlsen at Argyle Fine Art. Neon signs in the desert? You have no idea how much these were made for me.

7. I would also accept a gift card to go buy YA novels at Woozles. There are usually about five at any given time that I want to read. And my YA Club ladies would appreciate if I could supply them with said novels (it helps them save face from being the adult in the YA section).

(p.s. for those of you in Halifax and it’s surroundings, you still have a few more days to make your own Listmas dreams come true with Win What You Wish. At least $100 towards making those wishes come true in downtown Halifax. That’s called a guilt free gift for yourself).

And that’s (mostly) it for my Listmas wishes. I’m sure I’ll think of something new tomorrow. Heck, I’ll probably see something in the window of a store as I walk from the bus to work. These things happen.


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