Microsoft closes down Halifax gaming development studio

It was announced today that Halifax-based mobile gaming studio Alpha Dog Games is being closed by its parent company, Microsoft. This shutdown is part of a larger restructuring within Microsoft, which had acquired ZeniMax Media, the parent company of Bethesda Softworks, in 2021. Bethesda had previously acquired Alpha Dog Games in 2019, highlighting the studio’s success and innovation in the mobile gaming market.

Founded in 2012 by Shawn Woods and Jeff Cameron, Alpha Dog Games made a name for itself with its engaging mobile games. Their first major release, “Wraithborne,” was a mobile game that brought the depth and challenge of traditional PC games to mobile devices, demonstrating the potential for sophisticated gaming experiences on smartphones.

The closure of Alpha Dog Games is a significant event for the tech and gaming community in Nova Scotia, marking the end of a company that had brought innovation and high-quality mobile gaming to the market. This move by Microsoft reflects recent broader trends in the gaming industry as a whole, with many companies consolidating their assets worldwide. The impact of Alpha Dog’s closure extends beyond its employees, affecting local economic and tech development aspirations in the region. It hasn’t been announced if any of the staff will be relocated to other studios.

Games released:

2019MonstroCity: Rampage[6]iOSAndroid
2019Ninja Golf[3]iOSAndroid
2023Mighty DOOM[7]iOSAndroid
Via Wikipedia

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