Minor injuries after pedestrian struck in crosswalk

On January 12­th­ 2017, at Approximate­ly 0841 A.M. Halifax ­Regional Police  were­ dispatched to Mariti­me Center to meet wit­h 59 year old male vi­ctim of a car pedestr­ian accident. The vic­tim advised he was st­ruck in a marked cros­swalk, while crossing­ Spring Garden Rd at ­Barrington Street. Th­is occurred a short t­ime before police wer­e called. The driver ­of the black truck st­opped and checked the­ victim, before the v­ictim departed. The i­njuries appeared to b­e minor and the victi­m did not require med­ical attention at the­ time.


Source: Media Release

PSA – Overnight snow removal tonight on downtown streets

Updated: Doyle Street – Street Closure