Gap, Banana republic, infinity scarves, mint green, pastels, smart set, polette eyewear, shop for jayu
Gap Jeans, Banana Republic Scarf, Riding Boots, Cross-body bag, outfit ideas, trends, how to wear mint green.
Gap Jeans, Banana Republic Scarf, Riding Boots, Cross-Body Bag, Smart Set Sweater, Pastels, Mint green, monochrome outfits.
Gap, Banana Republic, Biscuit General, Forever 21, cross-body purse, smart set, polette eyewear

Featured Items: Pants, c/o Gap. Scarf, c/o Banana Republic. Sweater, Smart Set. Boots, Very Volatile via Biscuit General Store. Cross-Body Purse, Forever 21. Sunnies, c/o Polette Eyewear. Earrings, c/o Shop for Jayu. 

I’ve had it! I am SO over Winter! So today I’m diving into Spring trends head first and I don’t even care. I realize that it’s still Winter, so I am clearly practical about it (I’m not completely crazy… yet). I’m still wearing my booties, and chunky knit scarves, but I am only doing so with some monochrome pastel action! Denial is a very effective coping mechanism folks! And I’m just buying some time until I can make the trade from boots, and scarves to flats, and necklaces!! 

Happy Friday Fashionistas! 
xx Short Presents

Missing A Set Of Keys? #Sackville

RBC Taylor Prize for Non-fiction