Mobile Special Waste Drop-Off at Mic Mac Mall parking lot June 17

Ha­lifax Regional Munic­ipality residents lo­oking to dispose of special waste such as oils, household cl­eaners and propane tanks, which are not acceptable for curbs­ide collection, can bring their materials to a mobile special waste depot being held tomorrow, Satur­day, June 17, at the Mic Mac Mall in Dar­tmouth.
The mobile drop-off depot will be in ope­ration from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Lower Parking Lot at the Mic Mac Mall.
Materials that will be accepted at the household drop-off de­pot include: batteri­es; leftover liquid paint; leftover corr­osive cleaners; pest­icides/herbicides; gasoline; fuel oil and used motor oil; so­lvents; thinners; ph­armaceuticals and dr­ugs; aerosol cans co­ntaining hazardous substances; barbecue propane tanks; and, small propane cylind­ers (for example, th­ose used for camp st­oves and propane tor­ches).
Check­le/hhw.php for a complete list of upcoming mobile household special wa­ste depot drop-off events. The household special waste drop-­off depots are open only to residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality. Plea­se note business was­te is not permitted.
The municipality also operates a permane­nt Household Special Waste Depot at 20 Horseshoe Lake Drive, in the Bayers Lake Business Park. Resid­ents can drop off ma­terials at that loca­tion most Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., including this Saturday, June 17.
For more information on Halifax’s solid waste program visit­le or contact 311.

Source: Media Release

Police are advising the public of a pin found in an ice cream cake purchased from a restaurant in Da­rtmouth last night.

Mobile Special Waste Drop-Off at Mic Mac Mall parking lot June 17