Mike Barker‘s 3-hour mini-series MOBY DICK had it’s premiere last week (Part 1 aired on the 8th, Part 2 the 15th) on Australian Television to rave reviews. If you’re in Australia, you can watch both parts on ABC1′s iView website @ If you’re not in Australia, you can’t. Believe me, I tried.

I am happy to also report that my friend Maggie from down unda’ was able to snag a couple screenshots of me in action with the extreme talents of (1) Charlie Cox, and (2) Eddie Marsan

For the time being, I suppose you’ll have to take my word that that’s Marsan.

Although no date has been set for a stateside release, RHI Entertainment is handling the distribution (, so hopefully word will come from them regarding the North American premiere for our eyes to feast on.

Stay tuned, seafarers!


Eastern Bloc Crew

A Boxer