
Monday Report: Ally Actually Left the House L-A revisits the 90s

Ally: If you live in Halifax, I hope you got out and enjoyed the ridiculously lovely weather yesterday! Wowza. Spring has finally sprung. I know this to be true based on my Spring-o-metre. What is a spring-o-metre you ask? Well, it’s when my neighbour R. takes his shirt off to garden for the first time each April/May. After a winter of flu after flu after ear infection, those man bosoms may have been the most beautiful sight a girl could ever see.

I also left the suburbs yesterday to attend Dress for Success Halifax’s annual spring tea party. A sold out event!

Another event I’m looking forward to attending, mostly because I quite enjoy the lovely Jeremy Webb, is So You Think You Can Act happening on April 30th. It’s in support of  the movie Bone Deep, the follow up to WAKE

Bone Deep follows up WAKE,which was selected for the 30th Atlantic Film Festival in September 2010 and was screened to a packed house.  WAKE was also entered into the CBC TV show/competition: Short Film FaceOff in 2010 – and won!

Ok – I stole the above sentence from Jeremy’s event website. I’m lazy. Whatevs.

Anyways, I’m all about supporting local film endeavors. Mostly because I believe if I do so Jeremy will hit the big time and cast me in his equivalent to Up in Air with George Clooney or something. This event provides the perfect venue for me to showcase my mad skillz.

Hosted by Nancy Regan (who was all kinds of adorable in Turbine’s Fall Showcase show), and judged by Jonathan Torrens, Cathy Jones and Candy Palmeter. Should be a good night.

L-A: In other news, I took to my bed this weekend with the PR school version of the plague that’s going around. Okay, I did leave the house on Saturday night for the awesomesauceness that was the Pixies:

My seats were better than that. I wasn’t feeling well, but it was going to have to take a heck of a lot more than a burning throat and feeling completely run down to keep me away from the Pixies.

Delightfully, there was more than one outfit at the Metro Centre that seemed inspired by the following (whether or not on purpose, I can’t say):

so much leaning


There was more than one short dress with docs. In fact, I saw a pair of floral Docs that I was coveting just a little bit:


I tread lightly when I say I want Docs. Because if I were to get a pair, then my husband will argue that he should finally get a pair again (both of us had let go our pairs from the ’90s ages ago). And I can’t abide by having shoes that match my husband’s. I am pretty much anti-matching when it comes to couples. I’m sorry if you’re not, but that’s just something that gets me every time.

I hit up the closing sale at the Bay on Friday with JLau (okay, so I guess I did leave the house), which she described as “shopping after the apocalypse”. That is, if the après-apocalypse sale includes Pink Tartan and dresses from See by Chloé:


Well, I’m not sure if was exactly that dress, but pretty close. It was that blue silk with wee stars. And didn’t I wish I had the $100 for that dress (it’s 70% off) so I could wear it with tights and Docs that I don’t actually own. Or ballet flats. It was just all kinds of adorable.  Ah well. I did find other dresses for cheaper (two dresses and a skirt, plus a few pairs of pink tights, for $50).

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