L-A: Today we open the shoe porn doors to the dudes. Never let it be said that we aren’t an equal opportunity blog.
I’m not going to say too much about today’s collection, but only because I have to live with them (yep. totally of his own accord, without me asking him, Mike took pictures of his shoes. Impressive, non?). Also, because he’d already know if I liked or hated his shoes.
His Highness of Style, Clinton Kelly, once told a dude on What Not to Wear (I haven’t seen a guy on that show in ages. Come on America! You have plenty of poorly dressed men! Start nominating them) that all guys should have at least six pairs of shoes: dressy black, dressy brown, casual black, casual brown, a pair of boots, and a pair of sandals. Or maybe it was sneakers. I don’t think he counts athletic footwear. Owning athletic footwear is just a bonus and is rarely ever stylish (necessary to be fit and sporty, but rarely ever are they stylish). Personally, I can’t imagine having only six pairs of shoes.
And with that, I need to beg for shoe porn submissions. We’re running out of shoes!