L-A: Happy Shoe Porn Day! I want to find some way of mentioning the Olympics, like, “the gold medal in shoes go to…”, but it just feels too forced. Instead, I’ll just introduce you to Mel and her fantastic shoes. She has a pair of Michael Kors that I remember seeing at John David Shoes and I am fully envious that she bought them and I did not. She’s also my Ebay hero: Marc Jacobs and Pucci are among her ebay scores. Although, she seems to have a similar affliction as me: owning shoes that don’t fit quite as well they should (oh my red Cole Haans…I love you, even if you do cut and blister my feet).
While I didn’t make any connections between the Olympics and shoes, we did provide some vapid and hopefully entertaining live coverage of the opening ceremonies on Twitter on Friday night. The best part of the evening was this gem from The Coast. I’m sure Ally is still reeling over the Kate Gosselin-hair that Catriona Le May-Doan was sporting.
And, as always, we’re always looking for new shoes for the shoe porn. You can upload them to Flickr or email them to us. Whatever is easiest for you.
AllyG: Oh, la, la the Michael Kors! I have to say, Mel’s collection has warmed my cold, overtired heart this morning at the indecent hour of 5am. How come I can never find any shoes at Aldo? L-A, we must plan a trek to Aldo, perhaps with our pals from Haligonia to see what I can find. Er, see what WE can find. Sorry, forgot it wasn’t all about me again. Ok! It totally is! But let’s pretend I care about your shoes as well, mmmkay? BabyG likes this collection as well, he just finished his fifth meal of the night, so he’s pretty much happy about anything! He has been up throughout the night with a cold and is going, “rah! rah! rah!” beside me whilst shaking his tailfeather. Well played, Mel!