Money Matters: Information isn’t Always Knowledge

You can get it if you want it – everywhere! Information, that is. And these days many consumers turn to social media and other electronic sources for information and guidance. But are Twitter, Facebook, blogs and websites the best places to get what you need? When it comes to sound financial and investment information that reflects your life and your goals, the answer may be “no”. Here’s why. It’s so easy.   Having an abundance of information at your fingertips is great -- but there are also many risks. The top risk: Is the information reliable? You key in your investment-related question into a search engine and bingo – pages and pages of websites to choose from. And while that’s impressive, it’s also a problem. Now you have to sort through a mash up of unfiltered, unverified sources – and that can be a lengthy and frustrating process. It can also lead you to an abundance of poorly researched or woefully incorrect information. And that can lead you to make decisions based on false evidence or ideas that are not in the best interest of you and your family.     It’s so not you.   Whether the information you source is correct or not (and most of the time, it’s tough to tell) one thing you can count on is this: That information may not properly take you into account. You’re getting wallpaper info not personal advice. You are you – an individual with a unique life, characteristics and goals that change and evolve over time. So even if you manage to hit on reliable internet information, how can you tell that the info is right and beneficial for your specific circumstances? It’s so personal. That’s where professional financial advice comes into the picture. It is information and expertise you can trust that puts you at the centre of things, where you belong.    Your professional advisor is a valuable, face-to-face (not face-to-Facebook) resource who will assess your individual (and evolving) circumstances and provide you with a right and reasonable plan to meet your goals as they are today and as they will be tomorrow. Whether you’re searching for: investment advice, how to save taxes or protect your family, how to pay for your dream home or fund a dream retirement; partnering with a professional will help you make informed, confident decisions you can trust.     Call us to find out more about how we can help you prosper now… and over time.  Investors Group – Halifax, NS. (902) 423-8294.  ...

Money Matters: Information isn't Always Knowledge

You can get it if you want it – everywhere! Information, that is. And these days many consumers turn to social media and other electronic sources for information and guidance. But are Twitter, Facebook, blogs and websites the best places to get what you need? When it comes to sound financial and investment information that reflects your life and your goals, the answer may be “no”. Here’s why.

It’s so easy.   Having an abundance of information at your fingertips is great — but there are also many risks. The top risk: Is the information reliable? You key in your investment-related question into a search engine and bingo – pages and pages of websites to choose from. And while that’s impressive, it’s also a problem. Now you have to sort through a mash up of unfiltered, unverified sources – and that can be a lengthy and frustrating process. It can also lead you to an abundance of poorly researched or woefully incorrect information. And that can lead you to make decisions based on false evidence or ideas that are not in the best interest of you and your family.


Money Matters: Information isn't Always Knowledge  


It’s so not you.   Whether the information you source is correct or not (and most of the time, it’s tough to tell) one thing you can count on is this: That information may not properly take you into account. You’re getting wallpaper info not personal advice. You are you – an individual with a unique life, characteristics and goals that change and evolve over time. So even if you manage to hit on reliable internet information, how can you tell that the info is right and beneficial for your specific circumstances?

It’s so personal. That’s where professional financial advice comes into the picture. It is information and expertise you can trust that puts you at the centre of things, where you belong.


Money Matters: Information isn't Always Knowledge


Your professional advisor is a valuable, face-to-face (not face-to-Facebook) resource who will assess your individual (and evolving) circumstances and provide you with a right and reasonable plan to meet your goals as they are today and as they will be tomorrow. Whether you’re searching for: investment advice, how to save taxes or protect your family, how to pay for your dream home or fund a dream retirement; partnering with a professional will help you make informed, confident decisions you can trust.  



Call us to find out more about how we can help you prosper now… and over time.  Investors Group – Halifax, NS. (902) 423-8294. 


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