
Monsters Are Coming for Christmas


As December picks up and I am desperately trying to keep my head above water (I must have been nuts thinking Christmas on maternity leave would be simpler than normal,) I can honestly say that I have felt like my life has been overrun by monsters for the past little while.

Mostly, it is the toddler. He is at that stage where he is testing boundaries. He tests how far he can push me before I push back. He tests how much pain his little brother can endure. He is exploring the realm of deliberate misbehaviour and I am already over it.

There is a reason we called Cameron “Monster” right from the start. He was big and chunky and he was constantly making these growly little coos. It was unbelievably cute. But now, as he is older and toddlerhood has taken hold of him, his monster tendencies have become a little less endearing.

There are times when I am ready for the day to be over before it has even begun.

I totally need to make monsterhood cute again.

So this year for Christmas, Rosco is going to be under our tree.

Rosco is a loveable monster with an infectious laugh (or so I’m told). He is never far from the centre of attention and can charitably be described as ‘spirited.’*

That sounds like every toddler I know doesn’t sound familiar at all!

I don’t know what it is about that ridiculously cute red and yellow monster that reminds me that my kid is just going through a phase and that this too shall pass. It isn’t the monstrous parts of toddlerhood that I want to remember, but the rest of it. I want to remember how vulnerable but brave Cameron was when he went to the dentist yesterday. I want to remember how much he looks forward making a Christmas ornament with me each day. I want to remember that little mop head of his and that precious little smile and the way he will still sit on my lap or kiss me on the lips.

Since I am sure I am not the only one dealing with a case or two of the Monsters this holiday season, I have a Rosco to give away to you! I can’t tell you how excited I am to give this away! Upon receiving the Roscos in the mail, I was blown away by how large (see size comparison to my iPhone) and well made (high quality micro polar fleece) these stuffies are. If you are looking for a cute and unique Christmas gift for a child, you absolutely cannot go wrong with any of the Monster Factory monsters. They each come with a name and a charming back story. (Rosco works in an upscale mac-and-cheese food truck called Cheeser’s Palace… of course!)

Enter using the Rafflecopter app below. The only requirement for entry is to leave a comment telling me if you have noticed things getting a little monstrous this holiday season, but if you want more entries, there will be some other options as well. Giveaway is open to residents of Canada or the United States. (Rosco will be shipped curtesy of me, so if anyone who lives somewhere other than Can or US would like to enter, you are very welcome to pay for the shipping.) Last full day of the giveaway is December 16th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you want to take my advice and get a Monster Factory monster for someone on your gift list this year, I am lucky enough to share with my readers a promo code that will give you 10% off! Use the code MOMMIRACLE10 – expires on January 31, 2013.

Don’t forget to spread some love around and follow Monster Factor on Twitter (@_monsterfactor) and Like Monster Factory on Facebook!

*Description from the website.

The small print: The Monster Factory provided me with two Rosco monsters; one to review and keep, and one to give away. As always, all opinions are my own and are never bought.


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