
More Personal Development Credit Opportunities Available to Students

Students now have more options to earn Personal Development
Credits with the addition of three new partner organizations for the 2015-16 school year.

The new providers are:
— The Canadian Red Cross, Water Safety and Instructor Program
— The Catapult Leadership Society, Catapult Plus
— The Nova Scotia Forestry Association, Nova Scotia Envirothon program

“The Personal Development Credit allows students to receive instruction on a variety of subjects in a community-based setting that complements what they learn in school,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Karen Casey.

“When students get to learn new skills, gain new experiences and build stronger ties to their community, everyone wins.”

Through the Personal Development Credit, high school students are given more choices in meeting graduation requirements. The program allows students to earn half or full general elective credits towards graduation.

“The 4-H Personal Development Credit is a wonderful program that helps students gain recognition for all of their 4-H work,” said Nicole MacEachern, 4-H summer assistant for the Cape Breton region. “This high school credit shows future employers, universities and scholarship committees that as well as being a hard working student you have successfully taken a leadership role in your community through 4-H.”

To be a credit provider, organizations must offer community leadership, arts or languages services that meet the standards outlined in the Personal Development Credit policy.

For information on how to become a provider or take part in the program as a student, visit .

Source: Release

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