
More Valentine’s fun from the internet gods

Jolly Lollies from Family Fun

I often wonder how the human race survived so long without this thing called the internet. Sure, it can be a massive time-suck, and too much information can be just as frustrating as too little information, but I know I would be lost without the internet gods. Yesterday was a perfect example. Still searching for Valentine's craft ideas (Carolyn's suggestions on Friday were great fun, if you haven't checked them out yet), I came across these 'Jolly Lollies' from Family Fun (see above picture). At the same time, my son Alex walked by. As soon as he saw the picture, he burst into hysterical laughter. After a few minutes, he went quiet, looked very seriously at the picture, and finally said, oh-so gravely, "I can make that."

Thank you, internets, we have a winner!

In more internet travels, I came across a template for the lips and moustache, along with labels to go on the lollipop sticks. There, you can't get much easier than that now, can you? I think this would be a great activity if you have a lot of Valentine's to make.

In yet more internet travels (I might need a detox soon), I stumbled on these adorable DIY Valentine's Day goodie bags from Twig & Thistle. I can't quite decide which one I like best, so might need to do both:

(I think the promise of chocolate is putting the second one in the lead…)

You can print these out directly onto craft bags, or if you think your printer won't like that, onto labels and then stick them on the bag. Paper lunch bags from the grocery store should be suitable for that. Hey, I suppose plain ole paper would work and then get the littlies cutting and pasting. That way you can even pass it off as a craft from the kids! More details and the templates are available here and here.

Have fun!

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