
Movie Break Giveaway: Win a Pass for 4 to see Mirror Mirror

Winners have been announced! If you want to find out if you are a winner, check out the rafflecopter widget below. I have emailed tickets to all the winners, but if you are a winner and didn’t receive an email from me, please send me a note at I hope everyone enjoys the movie!

Before I had a child, I was pretty convinced that a movie date was a lousy date.  While I was dating my husband, we came to the realization that we would be getting to know much more about each other when we were sitting face to face in a restaurant or doing an activity together. This doesn’t mean we didn’t go to a few movies together and separately with friends, but we didn’t do it often.

And now? I long for the simplicity of those times – when a movie in a movie theatre could pique my interest and I could just go. Oh how I wish I could just go and sit and veg and be entertained for just a few hours.

So those very few times when I am able to enjoy a movie in a theatre now are blessed experiences. Even our most recent trip this past weekend was great. We didn’t go to a movie that I would have chosen and I wasn’t free of my mothering duties, but we had a great time none the less. We took Cameron to his first movie, The Lorax. He absolutely loved it, was engaged, and did great sitting through the whole thing. It was such a fun family experience and kind of makes me sad that with a new baby on the way, we won’t be able to do many more of these full family movie days for a while again.

Movie Break Giveaway: Win a Pass for 4 to see Mirror Mirror First Movie Theatre Lesson: The popcorn on the floor is not for eating

Needless to say, I am super excited to be able to offer my Halifax readers a Family (or Friends) Pass to an advanced screaming of Mirror Mirror. Because I know that I am not the only one who wishes she had more opportunities to go to the movies.

While we were watching the previews for The Lorax, I saw the trailer for Mirror Mirror and was super enthused. It seemed like just the type of movie that I would be interested in going to as a break from my life. A little whimsy, a little romance, a little fairy tale. Sounds perfect.

So, here is where you come in. If you are going to be in Halifax on Saturday March 24th (which is 6 days before the movie is released in theatres on March 30th) and want a pass for four people to go see Mirror Mirror at 10am, I am more than happy to help you out. I have 10 passes to give away, so your chances are really great! Just follow the Rafflecopter directions below.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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The last day you can enter is Tuesday, March 20th. I will contact winners within 48 hours. You will need a printer to print off your tickets.

Alliance Films is providing me with 10 passes for four for my readers. They are not providing me with any additional compensation to write this blog post. All opinions are mine.


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