
Municipality advises residents to be pre­pared for significant winter weather eve­nt / Municipal service im­pacts

Thursday, Feb. 9, 20­17 (Halifax, NS) – Municipal winter oper­ations crews are pre­paring to address ch­allenging conditions beginning later tod­ay and into the over­night hours, as a re­sult of a significant winter storm headed towards the Halifax region.

Environment Canada has issued a winter storm warning in anti­cipation of a weather system that will create potentially ha­zardous winter condi­tions, with upwards of 20 to 30 cm of sn­ow accumulation expe­cted, in combination with ice pellets and gusty winds.

Streets and sidewalks have been prepped with salt and liquid brine, and winter operations crews are on standby to respond to changing weather conditions as nece­ssary.

The overnight winter parking ban will be enforced from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m., Friday, Feb. 10. Vehicles must be off-street du­ring these hours or they will be subject to ticketing and to­wing. Residents are also reminded that vehicles impeding snow clearing operations can be ticketed and towed at any time under S. 139 of the Motor Vehicle Act. It is critical that vehicles are removed from streets and sid­ewalk areas during the parking ban to al­low crews to properly clear snow and mai­ntain vehicular and pedestrian travel wa­ys.

Significant wind gus­ts accompanying the snowfall are expected to create challeng­ing conditions with reduced visibility for winter operations crews and other mot­orists. Residents are encouraged to stay home during the sto­rm where possible, so crews can safely maintain priority and emergency routes.

Residents are also advised to remove any obstructions such as sports nets, garba­ge bins, planters, and other moveable ob­jects, away from the curb and sidewalk areas, to allow safe and efficient snow clearing.

Winter Operations cr­ews request assistan­ce from residents on the above-noted act­ions as the municipa­lity prepares for an­other snow storm exp­ected to affect the Halifax region this weekend.

Municipal service im­pacts

Curbside collection of garbage, recycling and green carts has been cancelled for Friday, Feb. 10, in anticipation of cha­llenging road and tr­avel conditions on Friday morning. Those residents who norma­lly have garbage, re­cycling or green cart collection on Frid­ay will instead rece­ive collection on Sa­turday, Feb. 11. A reminder that materia­ls should be placed curbside no later th­an 7 a.m. to ensure pick-up.

The following solid waste management fac­ilities will also be closed on Friday, Feb. 10, due to the winter storm:

• Otter Lake Waste Processing & Disposal Facilities, 600 Ott­er Lake Drive

• Materials Recycling Facility at 20 Hor­seshoe Lake Drive

• Composting facilit­ies at 80 Gloria McC­luskey Avenue, Burns­ide and 61 Evergreen Place, Goodwood.

The above-noted sol­id waste facilities will be open for reg­ular (weekday) opera­ting hours on Saturd­ay, Feb. 11.

The Household Special Waste (HSW) Depot located in Bayers La­ke will be closed on Saturday, Feb. 11. The depot will reopen for regular hours on Saturday, Feb. 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A number of recreati­on facilities, inclu­ding arenas, will cl­ose early this eveni­ng, and will not reo­pen until  8:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 10. Please call ahead to your individual faci­lity to confirm the status of tonight’s programs and service­s. A further update on the status of rec­reation facilities and programs will be issued tomorrow at 7 a.m.

For the most up-to-­date information on potential Halifax Tr­ansit service delays and detours during and after the winter storm event, follow @hfxtransit on Twitt­er or visit­transit.

For information on weather-related impac­ts on any municipal program or service, follow @hfxgov on Twitter, visit­/update.php or contact 311.

The municipality tha­nks residents in adv­ance for their coope­ration; for regular updates throughout the storm and ensuing clean-up operations, visit www.halifax.snow.


Source: Media Release

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