
My Commitment to the CrossFit Open


I posted a blog post on Saturday, which a rare thing for me, especially lately since I haven’t had much time to write in general.  The reason I felt the need to stay up late Friday night and write after working a 13 hour day, working out twice and then playing a football game was because of an incident that happened at said football game. (For the full details, read Saturday’s post.)

After posting this post and then talking to a lot of people about it, the decision has been made, I’m dedicating 100% of my time and efforts to the CrossFit Open and going into retirement from sports for the next two months.

Now to some of you, giving up sports may not seem like a big deal, and you may say that it’s only two months, but you have to understand that I’ve always been apart of some sort of sports team, minus the five years I didn’t play any sports because I was fat, lazy, a smoker and out of shape, and I have always had a huge fear of letting my teammates down.  I’ve never played an individual player sport where it’s just about me, and as much as CrossFit is built on community, it’s very much an individual sport.

The worst part of all of this is the timing; we’re coming up to football playoffs and the last two weeks of volleyball and our last tournament.  However, I’ve made the decision to commit to the Open and all of my teammates understand completely and were quite supportive. Hell, most of them told me to go for it, which I thought was awesome.

After taking all of Saturday off from training and using the RICE method for 48 hours, I did do some training today and the knee felt a lot better.  It’s not 100% but the turn around on it was much quicker than I thought it would be and I’m hoping by tomorrow it will be back to 100% and this whole ordeal will be but a memory.

Right now I’m planning a trip down to Vancouver for five days at the end of February to train with Dai Manuel and learn from some awesome coaches and I’m really hoping it helps me learn and get some great experience before the Open.


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