Wait, what? It’s January? How did that happen? Last time I posted here was in December?
Oh my… I’m sorry.
But, um, like, you know… I was busy. There was this thing called Christmas, you might be familiar with it.
Then New Years and January 1st spent recovering from the night before. Then there was back to school for the kids (AMEN) and a new job for me. All the while trying to settle into our new house and life in Halifax.
So yeah… busy.
But there was also a bit of a darkness that kept creeping into my thoughts every time I wanted to fill y’all in on what’s been going on. Every time I sat down to write a blog I wanted to start it with, “Ya know what sucks?” and I didn’t think you really wanted to go there.
I also had a realization in the last few months that my girls are growing and while I love to tell their funny stories, I also have to respect that they are growing and developing their own online personalities and realizing that their mom makes fun of them on her blog may not be funny to them. Damn, they’ve provided years of stories to fuel this blog!
So I was going to throw in the towel on my little blog and sign off for good.
Then today happened. It wasn’t an extra special day or anything. But today, today there was sunshine and the daylight lasted longer. And I realized that I miss telling my silly stories here on mommyjuiced. I think I was trying too hard to come up with the best/funniest blog post when all I had to do was write. Sit down, write and tell you how I’m feeling because maybe you are feeling the same way too. Maybe you need a today.
And then this happened… my daughter was so proud about a craft she made in school and she couldn’t wait to show me. She has a student teacher from Korea at her school and she helped the kids make this craft for New Years. And, ahem, it reminded me that I can still make fun of my kids online as long as I don’t tell you which one I’m talking about.
What do you see in this pic?
Thanks kid for not letting Mom down and keeping the funny in mommyjuiced.com.