
My Purse Swallows My iPhone No More!

You know when the stars align and you get the feeling that everything happens for a reason? Well that happened to me today. Now don’t go thinking something spiritual moved me to tears, it’s not quite that dramatic.

I was hating on my iPhone for two reasons: 1. I need to put an APB out for it sometimes in order to locate it. 2. It’s always dead. As a nit. Dead. And that drives my mother crazy when she is trying to text me Dancing with the Stars updates.

Today was a particularly busy day and I didn’t get a chance to charge my iPhone. Lately, my phone has been running out of battery life very quickly so it has to be charged more frequently than usual. I just can’t keep up.

I went to my daughter’s hockey game and searched my purse for my phone. I couldn’t find it. My iPhone is black and likes to hide at the bottom of my purse, or in a pocket, and sometimes can be found sneaking it’s way out onto the seat of the car beside me. Cue the APB. I was about to give up when I finally located it in the fold of my wallet. Don’t ask… Guess what? Dead. Crap.

So I had to wait until I got home to charge the asshole phone (imagine being disconnected from technology FOR AN HOUR, GASP)… I’m surprised I lived through the ordeal.

But alas, here comes the TSN Turning Point! These arrived in the mail today:


Serendipity. I was sent these products from Caseco, a leading Canadian manufacturer of innovative products designed to enhance popular mobile phones, tablets and wireless devices. It’s like they KNOW what a fiasco I am when it comes to my phone.

I dug into the box and found a Caseco Shock Express, a double-layered case with an exterior shell that adds strength and durability and a soft interior layer that helps absorb shocks from the many bumps my phone has endured. Best part? It’s blue! I won’t lose my phone at the bottom of my purse anymore! It’s tough shell will protect the phone from ME and my wear and tear and has a screen protector to cut down on grime.

I was also pleased to find the Caseco PowerBox Universal, a portable backup battery charger that provides on the go charging option for smartphones. It is capable of providing more than 500 charging cycles for my smartphone and is so small that it will fit in my purse and I can take it with me wherever I go. Again, I’ll try not to lose it in my purse but it’s white so I should be able to spot it easily in all the purse clutter.

‘m proud to support a Canadian company that honestly makes quality products that are durable, stylish and are available in different colours. Check out these and Caseco’s other products at

So now I’m all set thanks to Caseco! Tomorrow I’ll have to find something else to growl about. I’m sure that something I can easily do

Now, where’s my wine?

Disclaimer: I received these products for the purpose of this review. However, the views/opinions expressed are honest and from my own personal experience with the products mentioned.

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