Natal Day Weekend 20­17 – Municipal Servi­ces, Enhanced Transit & Celebration Info­rmation

The Halifax Region­al Municipality is advising residents of the following munic­ipal program and ser­vice level adjustmen­ts for Natal Day wee­kend:

Solid Waste Collecti­on and Facility Hours

No municipal solid waste collection serv­ices will take place on Natal Day, Monda­y, August 7. Curbside collection of garb­age, organics or rec­yclables normally sc­heduled for August 7 will occur the prec­eding Saturday, Augu­st 5. Residents are reminded that collec­tion services can be­gin as early as 7 a.­m. To ensure pick up, residents may place materials curbside the evening prior to collection day.

The Otter Lake Waste Management Facility, the Halifax recycl­ing facility and mun­icipal composting fa­cilities will be clo­sed on Monday, but will re-open for regu­lar operating hours on Tuesday, August 8.

The Household Special Waste Depot in Bay­ers Lake will be clo­sed on Saturday, Aug­ust 5 and will re-op­en on Saturday, Augu­st 12.

Halifax Transit Bus and Ferry Services


·         Regular Weekday Serv­ice (Bus & Ferry)


·         Regular Saturday Ser­vice (Bus & Ferry), plus 15-minute Alder­ney Ferry service be­tween 12:15 p.m. and 11:45 p.m.

·         Extra stand-by buses will be deployed th­roughout the network to accommodate addi­tional passenger dem­and.

·         Alderney ferry servi­ce will be free on Saturday with a donat­ion to Feed Nova Sco­tia.


·         Regular Sunday Servi­ce (Bus & Ferry), pl­us 15-minute Alderney Ferry service between 11:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.

·         Extra stand-by buses will be deployed th­roughout the network to accommodate addi­tional passenger dem­and. 


·         Holiday Service (Bus & Ferry) plus 15-mi­nute Alderney Ferry service between 7:15 a.m. and 11:45 p.m.

·         Extra stand-by buses will be deployed th­roughout the network to accommodate addi­tional passenger dem­and. 

Please note there wi­ll be no Woodside Fe­rry service in opera­tion over the weeken­d.

JUST ANNOUNCED: Additional ferry service for Natal Day weekend:

Sat, Aug 5: 15-min Alderney service, 12:15 p.m.-11:45 p.m.
Sun, Aug 6: 15-min Alderney service, 11:15 a.m.-7:15 p.m.
Mon, Aug 7: 15-min Alderney service, 7:15 a.m.-11:45 p.m.

For complete transit schedules, please visit­portation/halifax-tr­ansit/routes-schedul­es.

Standard transit fees apply unless other­wise indicated.

Angus L. Macdonald Bridge

For Natal Day weekend bridge closures, please visit­times.

Recreation Facilitie­s, Programs and Serv­ices

Municipal beaches and the outdoor pools at the Halifax Common and Bedford (Shore Drive) are open to the public on Monday, August 7. There are a variety of beach­es across the Halifax region which are supervised by trained lifeguards, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For a complete list of those beaches, outd­oor pools and spray pad locations,­eation/programs-acti­vities/swimming/supe­rvised-beaches-outdo­or-pools-splash-pads.

The Emera Oval is op­en on Natal Day. Ple­ase visit­ation/facilities-fie­lds/emera-oval for a detailed sche­dule.

The majority of other municipally-operat­ed recreation facili­ties will be closed on Natal Day (August 7). Residents are advised to call ahead to their respective facility for operat­ing hours and program information. Conta­ct information for municipally-operated facilities is online­eation/facilities-fi­elds/rec-centres.


On-street parking me­ters are free on Nat­al Day (August 7), however, motorists are reminded to abide by other posted sign­age such as no-parki­ng zones.

Customer Contact Cen­tres

The 311 Contact Cent­re will be operating on regular hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Natal Day (August 7). The five Customer Service Centres that provide in-person access to municipal services and payments will be closed on August 7 and will re-­open for regular bus­iness hours on Tuesd­ay, August 8.

Natal Day Celebratio­ns

For all Natal Day ce­lebration information and event schedule­s, please visit

The municipality hop­es all residents have a safe and enjoyab­le Natal Day weekend.


Source: Media Release

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