Hello internet lurkers! Welcome to the brand new blog! It’s fairly similar, only now it’s much prettier and therefore much better (this is how I value all things).
I’m so damn excited, I’m just going to share my enthusiasm and bits of news via futuristic video message!!
- NEW blog! You’re looking at it!
- NEW headshot! by Krista Comeau! http://KristaComeauPhoto.blogspot.com/
- NEW rehearsals are going well with LOGAN AND I! There’s now a Facebook Event page for Logan And I, so RSVP yourself a spot! http://bit.ly/chhP5A
- NEW awesome podcast featuring Stephen Tobolowsky talking about the process of auditioning! http://bit.ly/9Bdr2r
Seriously, check out this podcast, especially if you’re an actor.
Anyways, I am very sleepy, I’m gonna go watch a Zac Efron flick– I bet you think I’m joking. I ain’t. Deal with it.