
New Brunswick: Two new COVID-19 cases (Oct 24)

Public Health reported two new cases of COVID-19 today, both in Zone 5 (Campbellton region) as follows:

  • one individual 20 to 29; and;
  • one individual 50 to 59.

Both of these cases are self-isolating and under investigation.

The number of confirmed cases in New Brunswick is 326 and 250 have recovered. There have been four deaths, and the number of active cases is 72. Six patients are hospitalized with one in an intensive care unit. As of today, 96,192 tests have been conducted.

“We all have different and important roles in slowing the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “Everyone needs to continue to follow public health measures no matter what corner of the province you live in. Wash your hands, practise physical distancing, wear your mask, stay home when you are feeling sick and get tested for COVID-19.”

Zone 5 remains in orange level with an additional measure

Zone 5 remains in the Orange level of recovery with an additional restriction to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the region.

It is recommended that residents limit their contact to a single household bubble plus a formal or informal caregiver or member of their immediate family (a parent, child, sibling or grandparent).

The purpose is to guard against mental health issues for someone who lives alone, or to ensure someone who needs care is able to receive it. It is not intended to mean all family members including adult siblings, parents, etc. can gather as one family unit.

COVID-19 testing in Zone 5

Testing is available this weekend for individuals who do not have any symptoms of COVID-19 but want to be tested.

Testing will be held over two days:

  • Saturday, Oct. 24, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Memorial Regional Civic Centre in Campbellton; and
  • Sunday, Oct. 25, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Inch Arran Arena in Dalhousie.

No appointment is necessary. Screening tests will be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Asymptomatic people do not need to self-isolate while awaiting results, unless advised to do so by Public Health.

People with symptoms are asked to request a test online or call Tele-Care 811 to get an appointment at the nearest screening centre.

Source: Release

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