New Licence Plate Honours Retired Volunteers

Government is introducing new recognition for retired volunteer firefighters and ground search and rescue members.

A special licence plate will be available to retired volunteer firefighters and ground search and rescue workers with at least 15 years experience. The plate comes at no cost and those groups will also be exempt from paying vehicle permit fees. 

“Volunteer firefighters and search and rescue workers have generously given their time and risked their lives to help others,” said Lloyd Hines, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “This new plate recognizes the invaluable contribution and service these brave volunteers have made to their communities.”

“It is going to be awesome to have this new plate. It is recognition that volunteer firefighters made a difference.”  
     – Wayne Thorburne, former volunteer firefighter, Bridgewater

Quick Facts:
— an estimated 500 retired ground search and rescue members will be eligible for the new plate
— about 2,000 retired firefighters will be eligible for a plate 
— the retired volunteers will be eligible to receive the plates beginning in February 2022
— there are currently 6,193 active volunteer firefighter and 733 ground search and rescue speciality plates in the province

Source: Release #notw

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