
New Residents Association created for community

The Bedford Residents Association has recently been formed to ensure that the community of Bedford retains its unique identity and also ensure that residents can be proud to call Bedford home.

Our first course of action is to hold a Community Meeting to apprise residents of where we go from here and how we are going to get there.

The meeting is to be held on Thursday, September 23, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at the Bedford Legion.

The Association will also provide a forum at the Community Meeting for proponents of various Bedford initiatives to speak and provide updates.

An agenda can be found on our website at The website also includes a survey which will help us to ascertain what issues are of the most importance to residents.

The Association’s Mission Statement is “The Bedford Residents Association strives to improve the quality of life for residents and encourages a sense of belonging and pride in our community”.

At present, there are four Goals:

1. To foster an environment where residents feel connected to the community.

2. To become a forum to engage residents and raise awareness on community activities, issues or concerns.

3. To collaborate with appropriate groups (e.g. social, recreational, business, community and environmental…) and other levels of government on matters of interest to Bedford residents.

4. To consult and work with elected officials on issues that reflects the collective voice of Bedford residents.

The Associations Board is non political and its direction will come from the residents of Bedford. The Association will be involved in community activities as well as get involved in issues that Bedford’s residents feel need a collective larger voice at various levels of government.

We will also support our City Councilor on issues in the Bedford’s Residents Associations best interest and provide, to the various levels of Government, feedback from our membership on relevant issues.

Additional information on the Bedford Residents Association may be obtained by contacting Mr. Paul Roy, Interim Chair, at

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