
New Website Improves Economic Development Assistance Transparency

The government is delivering on its promise to make information about its investments in business more accessible than any other province in Canada.

A new website summarizing approved investments was a key element of the Accountability in Economic Development Assistance Act, proclaimed today, April 1.

The act sets a new standard for transparency.

“Nova Scotians spoke loud and clear about wanting to have accountability and transparency when it came to investments being made by the government, and today we’re delivering on our promise to do just that,” said Michel Samson, Minister responsible for Economic and Rural and Development and Tourism. “Nova Scotians now have more access than ever before, so they can understand the reasons for, and the results of, investments made on their behalf.”

The website summarizes transactions since Oct. 22, 2013, from the Nova Scotia Fund, strategic investment funds, the Nova Scotia Jobs Fund or any fund that succeeds the jobs fund. A summary of the agreement with Nova Star Cruises Limited, approved Sept. 5, 2013 with subsequent amendments, has also been posted.

Amendments to agreements, which have not been made public in the past, will be posted, along with updates on targets or timelines for each investment every six months — June 1 and December 1. Updates will be based on company reports to the department. The website will offer a searchable database in the coming months.

The website is .

Source: Release

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