
Newest exhibition coming to the Museum of Natural History offers visitors the unique opportunity to explore the amazing biology and physiology of humans

We have posted images at the bottom of the article, but believe us, you have to see it to believe it!

“The newest exhibition coming to the Museum of Natural History offers visitors the unique opportunity to explore the amazing biology and physiology of human health and the dramatic effects of disease. BODY WORLDS RX makes its Atlantic Canadian debut when it opens on January 12, 2018.

From organs to muscles to the nervous system and to skeletal structures, BODY WORLDS RX gives unprecedented look inside the most sophisticated mechanism in the world, the human body.

Created by anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens, inventor of Plastination science and creator of the trailblazing BODY WORLDS exhibitions, the exhibit features Plastination, a complex technique that removes the fluids from the body and replaces them with plastics that harden.

The specimens on display show impressive comparisons and contrasts between healthy bodies and organs and those stricken with disease. Particular emphasis is put on some of the most common ailments such as back pain, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis and heart infarctions, dementia, and more.

BODY WORLDS RX will be one of the largest exhibits hosted at the Museum of Natural History and will be on view January 12 until April 22, 2018.”

Official page for Body Worlds which includes lots of great info about the displays & more.


Source: Museum of Natural History


** Photos below **
















There is so much more to see, and photos don’t do it justice!  Check out this incredible display in person.

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