Newfoundland: 50 new COVID-19 cases (Feb 12 2021)

Today (Friday, February 12), Newfoundland and Labrador has 50 new confirmed cases of COVID-19.

The 50 new confirmed cases are as follows:

In the Eastern Health region:

·       20 under 20 years of age;

·       4 between 20-39 years of age;

·       16 between 40-49 years of age;

·       3 between 50-59 years of age;

·       2 between 60-69 years of age; and,

·       2 over 70 years of age.

There are 27 females and 20 males.

In the Central Health region:

·       2 between 20-39 years of age; and,

·       1 between 50-59 years of age.

There is one female and two males.

Contact tracing by Public Health officials is underway. Everyone considered a close contact will be advised to quarantine.

There are 260 active cases of COVID-19.

The regional breakdown of the 260 active cases is as follows:

·       Eastern Health – 251

·       Central Health – 4

·       Labrador-Grenfell Health – 0

·       Western Health – 5

There is one new presumptive positive case in the Eastern Health region. The individual is self-isolating. Contact tracing is underway. Anyone considered a close contact is being advised to quarantine.

There have been no new recoveries since yesterday meaning 393 people have recovered from the virus.

There is no one in hospital.

To date, 87,447 people have been tested.

The Chief Medical Officer of Health is issuing a Special Measures Order for long-term care homes, personal care homes and assisted living facilities in the St. John’s metro area that further limits visitation to only essential visitors. Essential visitors are those individuals considered, by the resident’s care team, to be paramount to the resident’s physical care and mental well-being, including assistance with feeding, mobility, personal care, communication assistance, or assistance with significant behavioural symptoms. This order comes into effect Saturday, February 12 at 12:01 a.m.

The department is advising rotational workers about an identified COVID-19 outbreak at the Gacho Kué Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories. The department was notified about the outbreak by the Public Health Agency of Canada as individuals from this province work with the project. A list of worksites with declared outbreaks can be found online here.

Rotational workers with this project who have returned to Newfoundland and Labrador in the last 14 days must self-isolate and physically distance away from household members, and complete the online self-assessment and referral tool available here or call 811 to arrange testing. These workers must now complete the full 14-day self-isolation period, regardless of test result.

The rules for rotational workers from Newfoundland and Labrador who work in Canada that went into effect Wednesday, November 25, 2020, do not apply to workers at worksites where there is an ongoing outbreak.

Source: Release #notw

No new COVID-19 cases (Feb 12 2021)

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