
news at rouge.

There’s been lots of exciting things happening at rouge, so I thought I’d share a few highlights with you…

rouge staged a home that sold in one day – to the first person who saw it. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Next up, was helping the same client move into his new home…a 500 square foot condo with an incredible waterfront view. Downsizing to the ultimate in downtown living, this was a design challenge where every single piece brought into the new space had to be highly functional. Creating a new design in a different space by choosing from the existing pieces in the old space was great fun!

rouge was also hired to refresh an existing living space – a lovely old home built in the late 1800’s located in Lunenburg, NS. From top to bottom, this is home offered lots of living space that was practically bursting with fine, old character features. The homeowner is a collector of many eclectic and wonderful things – artwork, furniture, handicrafts, family heirlooms and more. Unfortunately, these treasures were simply taking over the home and interfering with the ability to actually live comfortably in the space. Lots of elbow grease in sorting was required here…deciding what to keep, what to store, what to give away or sell. And more than a few tough decisions about what would best fit a whole new lifestyle. This home “makeover” was an emotional journey that was well worth the effort. Pictured below are just two of the rooms that saw big transformations – a space room turned guest room/dressing room and the master bedroom.

As a member of Home Stagers Atlantic (HSA), rouge is proud to be the chair of this year’s community project. Each year, the members of HSA choose a deserving organization and redecorates their space. This year, a community resource centre located in a low income housing neighbourhood will get a new look. The folks here do incredible work with very, very few resources and we are thrilled to be able to make their space more welcoming and comfortable. The project planning is moving forward nicely, and we are on track to take over the center during the last week of June. The entire project will be done in one week, so we can give the newly revived centre back to the staff and community. More to come on that one!

Behind the scenes, rouge has been a beehive of internal activity from late winter to early spring, too – everything from getting the website designed and launched, designing and printing business cards and all other marketing materials, to building a portfolio and writing the weekly blog. Not to mention making some great new contacts in the industry and exploring a few intriguing opportunities. Phew…

Thanks to all rouge clients and supporters – you know who you are.

Looking forward to what the spring and summer may hold…bring it on!

xx Suzanne.

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