A message from Pinky’s:
Hello Everyone and hopefully there is a summer with all of this rain. Some bad news.
The Province for 2011 changed the regulations on how grey water (ice cream and water) is disposed off. For the past seven seasons Pinky’s in Bedford at its Hut successfully had all grey water waster leave the Hut into a secure 45 gallon drum.
Usually every 10-14 days Royal Flush would come and take the grey water and dispose of it at an improved site. The new regulations now require that grey water has to be disposed of directly into the sewer.
The cost to dig up the Bedford Highway and hook into the sewer and water for a three month seasonal business was not feasible. The cost was quoted at a minimum of $32,000.
Unfortunate when you consider the many other type of roadside food businesses that are operating with far less restrictions.
Therefore, we will regroup and find an alternative location to be back in Bedford in 2012.
I greatly appreciate your loyalty over the past seven seasons and look forward to serving you again in 2012. Have a great summer.
Kevin W. Riles
Founder & President
Source: http://www.bedfordbeacon.com/no-pinkys-for-bedford-this-summer