
No text is worth your life: RCMP ramps up distracted driving enforcement in October, Dartmouth, N.S.


Throughout the month of October, RCMP Traffic Services units across the province will be conducting enforcement and educational initiatives on the dangers of distracted driving by targeting drivers who use their cellular device while operating a motor vehicle.

RCMP continues to be concerned about the large number of people who engage in distracted driving behaviours. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous and places all road users at risk. Things such as using your cell phone while driving, texting, adjusting your radio, reading, eating and applying makeup constitute examples of distracted driving.

So far in 2015, RCMP in Nova Scotia have issued nearly 2600 tickets for distracted driving across the province. The fine for using a hand-held cellular telephone or text messaging on a communication device while operating vehicle is $237.50. Fines for second and third offences are $352.50 and $582.50, respectively.

‘Distracted driving remains the leading cause of serious and fatal injury on Nova Scotia’s roadways,’ says Nova Scotia RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson. ‘It only takes a few seconds of distraction to result in a tragedy. That text to say you are running late may be the last message you send. It’s just not worth the risk.’

RCMP encourage motorists to place hand-held devices out of reach, such as in the glove box or in the back seat, so they are not tempted to use them while driving.

Over the Thanksgiving long weekend, officers from across the province will also participate in Operation Impact. This nation-wide initiative is designed to focus on safe driving practices when police know motorists will be on the roads in large numbers. The focus will be on behaviours that put drivers, passengers and other road users most at risk: impaired driving, seat belt use, and all aspects related to aggressive and distracted driving.

If you notice someone texting or talking on their cell phone while driving, you can report this activity by calling 911. Citizens are also encouraged to note as many details about the driver and the vehicle as possible, such as the make/model of vehicle, colour, licence plate number, and the direction of travel.

Have you taken the pledge? LEAVE THE PHONE ALONE while driving. Click here to sign up and save lives:

Source: Release

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