
NOTD: Joe Fresh Starry

As promised, this is Joe Fresh Starry on my nails. Judging by the comments on my last post, quite a few of you were as excited as I was.

To start off though, I should say that Starry is not a strong or linear holo. It didn’t appear that way in the bottle, and not on the nails either.
Under indoor lighting and flash, it is a sheer silver with light shimmer. No sun pics for this post, as it has been cloudy, unfortunately.
On my accent nail is 3 coats of Joe Fresh Starry, and the rest has one coat of China Glaze Millennium and 2 coats of Joe Fresh Starry. No top coat as I wanted to test the holo effect by itself.

The technique of using a silver foil underneath a silver holo sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Just like with Ozotic Pro 609, the foil base did help with the opacity and bring out the silver more, which in turns brought out the holo slightly. Nothing out of this world though.
I don’t blame Joe Fresh for having a not-too-strong holo colour, as even the famous Nfu-Oh holos don’t look great without the sun either. Like I said before, Joe Fresh is so great in creating nail polish with cream finish, and I give them props for trying something new.

A close-up to show you how much of a difference the silver foil made – between my accent nail and the rest.
As long as you don’t expect a linear silver holo, Starry is great as a shimmery top coat or when you want to silver-ize a base colour. I tried it on top of my old mani (Finger Paints Easel-y Entertained, a blue-ish purple with glitters). The purple turned into a pale lilac with Starry on top. Quite pretty.
A note: Do wear Starry with a top coat, otherwise, it dries to almost a satin finish, not glossy, unless that is what you are looking for. After taking these pics, I slapped on China Glaze Fast Forward top coat.

This pic is the closest I can get to showing you the holographic effect of Joe Fresh Starry, under low light. I will update this post if I can snap a sun pic another day.
I do wish it looks like this most of the time, so we can be a little more excited about the shade. I hope this is a good indication of where Joe Fresh is heading with their nail polish creation. I will update you with more Spring shades when I hear more from the brand.
There you have it, Joe Fresh’s very first holographic nail polish.


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