Fresh NOTD for the weekend, and it’s Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Purple Gala.
If you remember, I picked this one up last weekend from a brand new display of Sally Hansen at Shoppers. It surprised me though that lots of US drugstores have not had this collection out and we already got it here in Canada.
Anyway, I am so in love with this deep purple shimmery shade. It feels like a jelly during application, which is nice. And this is only 2 coats.
If you are not familiar with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear brush, it is quite long with long handle, and is the regular type (not wide), but application is easy peasy.
The first picture is in full flash, and this one is with indirect flash, to show you different angles of the colour.
But it doesn’t matter from what angle you look at it, you’ll love it. Period. If you find the display, at least try this one out. Shoppers has them on sale this week for CAD2.99. I haven’t seen the display at Walmart yet.
I can’t say the same about the whole collection though. Some nail blogs have had swatches up, so make sure you check before buying. I was glad I only picked up 2 bottles.
One last pic (sorry I took like 30 pictures of it), blurred out to show you how Purple Gala shines. The name suits it, doesn’t it? At least my nails are happy this weekend 🙂
What do you have on your nails for the weekend? And what are you up to? Squirt is going to a sleepover tonight, so I have some real quiet time to myself. Now I have no idea what to do with myself lol.
One nice thing is that we have been quite lucky with the weather in the last few days. On Thursday, I looked up on the Weather Network and Halifax was 23 degrees, warmer than Toronto and Montreal. That doesn’t happen very often. Fall is just around the corner, are you ready for it?