
Nova Scotia Lands to Receive Trenton Property

The province is taking steps to explore new economic opportunities for the DSME Trenton site in Trenton, Pictou Co.

A court-appointed receiver will transfer ownership of DSME Trenton lands to Nova Scotia Lands Incorporated effective Sept. 7, and begin the process to auction most of the remaining on-site equipment.

“We have made every effort to find a buyer for this site. For more than two years, the receiver has marketed this property internationally, without success,” said Business Minister Geoff MacLellan. “Now is the time to move forward and begin the next phase, one that will allow Nova Scotia Lands to explore other economic opportunities.”

Nova Scotia Lands has turned other industrial sites in Nova Scotia into areas of economic activity, including Port Mersey Commercial Park near Liverpool and Harbourside Commercial Park in Sydney.

Source: Release

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