
Nova Scotia NDP renews call for lakes commission; Three blue-green algae blooms already this year

NDP release:

The Nova Scotia NDP has renewed its call for the establishment of a Provincial Lake Advisory Commission to address the growing issue of blue-green algae blooms in the province’s lakes. This announcement coincides with World Environment Day.

“Blue-green algae is a growing threat, and the blooms are worsening because of human activity, development, and a changing climate,” said NSNDP leader Claudia Chender. “Our lakes are important environmental habitats and recreational spaces. We must do more to ensure they are healthy and protected.”

In March, the NSNDP introduced legislation to create a Provincial Lakes Advisory Commission. This body would provide advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and ensure that actions are taken to conserve Nova Scotia’s lakes.

“I have been working with lakes organizations for many years to advocate for the health of lakes, which are under threat from environmental shifts and failed construction and development practices,” said Norman Steele, Environmental Chair of the Portland Estates and Hill Residents Association. “Our lakes are the hub of many Nova Scotia communities and provide valued ecosystems and invaluable recreational opportunities. We need everyone to work together to ensure the lakes are preserved for generations to come.”

Blue-green algae blooms have already been reported this year in Hants County, Sackville, and Dartmouth, posing serious health and safety risks.

“This is a preventable problem that falls directly into provincial responsibility,” said Lisa Lachance, NSNDP Environment and Climate Change spokesperson. “Nova Scotians love our lakes. It’s time to get to work and protect the land and water we all love.”

The NSNDP emphasizes the urgency of addressing this environmental issue to preserve the natural beauty and ecological health of Nova Scotia’s lakes.

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