On May 20 during National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, Nova Scotia RCMP charged 17 motorists for impaired driving and issued nine roadside suspensions.
Of those charged with impaired driving, 14 were impaired by alcohol and three were impaired by drug. Additionally this year, Nova Scotia RCMP issued nine roadside suspensions due to driving with a Blood Alcohol Content between 50-80 milligrams of alcohol in one hundred milliliters of blood (50mg% to 80mg%).
“We hope seeing these numbers will trigger people to reflect on their own driving behaviours,” says Cst. Chad Morrison of Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services. “Honestly ask yourself whether you’ve ever considered getting behind the wheel after consuming drugs or alcohol. Where were you? What were you doing? Reflecting could help you see patterns and address them.” Cst. Morrison adds, “If you notice patterns in your decision-making around impaired driving, plan ahead to avoid being exposed to potentially dangerous situations.”
If you or someone you care about may struggle with addiction, visit Nova Scotia Addiction Services online (https://novascotia.ca/dhw/addictions/) for free, confidential resources and support.
The RCMP wishes to remind you that if you drive impaired, you increase your risk of injuring or killing yourself and others. Help keep roads safe by avoiding high-risk behaviours such as driving impaired, distracted or aggressively. Always wear your seatbelt and remember that you have the power to protect yourself and others.
Source: Media Release