
Nova Scotia Rewarded With More Immigration Nominations After Early Success

NOTE: Facts about Nova Scotia Immigration follows this release.

 Government has successfully negotiated an increase of 300 immigration nominations for its two new express entry streams, nearly doubling the province’s total nomination allocation for 2015.

“We pushed the federal government hard for this increase and they responded after they saw our proactive approach,” said Premier Stephen McNeil.

“This decision will allow Nova Scotia to nominate 1,350 immigrants under the Provincial Nominee Program, nearly double our 2014 cap of 700.”

The federal government initially approved 1,050 immigration nominations for Nova Scotia in 2015, 350 of which were allocated to express entry. Nova Scotia was the first province to launch two new express entry streams.

“We have been leaning in very hard to make real progress in immigration for our province,” said Premier McNeil. “We truly appreciate the positive public and private sector response to our focus on welcoming and successfully keeping newcomers. The progress we are making points to the value and importance of having a minister dedicated full time to the file.”

“This is a welcome decision that is fundamental to our core immigration program. It is a clear recognition of how hard we are working on immigration,” said Immigration Minister Lena Metlege Diab. “This is in addition to our ongoing efforts to assist Canada to resettle refugees and Nova Scotia has collectively said that we are ready to help.”

The Office of Immigration launched Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry on Jan. 1 and Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry in May. Both streams are aimed at highly-skilled immigrants.

Source: Release

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