
Now hiring, Admiral Insurance strives to help Nova Scotian job-seekers facing employment challenges amid COVID-19

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Are you a professional who has experienced loss of work as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Admiral Insurance is ready to welcome you onboard their team of talented service providers as early as January 4, 2021 with six-month work term positions in their Customer Loyalty department!

Why choose Admiral? Well, for starters…

A people-first approach

As the COVID-19 pandemic touched down in Nova Scotia, Admiral Insurance made it a priority that no employee on their 400+ strong Halifax team would ever have to choose between a paycheck and their health.

This people-first outlook, coupled with a robust COVID-19 response over the last eight months, have allowed Admiral Insurance to weather the worst of the coronavirus’s economic impact on Nova Scotia while continuing to provide continuity of care and service to their 4.37 million UK customers.

Implementing a company-wide work –from-home initiative of nearly 350 employees at the start of the pandemic, Admiral welcomed back a reduced staggered workforce of just 185 staff to its Halifax office in June 2020 amid stringent social distancing and routine deep cleanings.

Through these supportive workplace accommodation measures, Admiral employees enjoyed the flexibility of curating the work environment that was best for them, without a single team member incurring a total loss of income.

Community-building at its core

This same level of people-minded support has also allowed Admiral Insurance to make inroads in helping UK customers and their communities.

In the UK, Admiral has pledged a total of £190 million towards the country’s COVID-19 Response. This included a ‘Stay At Home Fund’ launched by Admiral in April 2020 which refunded a total of £110 million in premiums to Admiral customers in acknowledgment of their commitment to drive less and remain at home amid the nationwide UK lockdown.

Another £80 million was dedicated towards lowering the cost of premiums to support customers, National Health Service employees, and their communities.

While Admiral customers in the UK were the focus of these relief efforts, their gratitude was felt in the Halifax office.

“I spoke to a woman who had lost a family member due to COVID. On top of that she was struggling financially and having difficulty affording insurance. I updated her policy, which saved her some money, but she also mentioned the £25.00 and, given her circumstances, how beneficial it was. Like, every little bit counts…you could tell that she was almost in tears over the phone.”

 — Aliscia Nauffts (Customer Loyalty CCR)

Closer to home, Admiral has reached out in support of Nova Scotia’s frontline healthcare workers leading the province’s COVID-19 response in its hardest-hit sectors – our long-term care homes and hospitals.

When Northwood Manor emerged as the epicentre of the province’s outbreak in the early days of the pandemic, Admiral was there to lend a helping hand. For five Fridays between May and June 2020, Admiral purchased food and beverages for the facility’s frontline workers to help boost morale and keep them energized.

A further $26,000 in donations to local Halifax charities was also made on behalf of Admiral this year, with more than a dozen organizations including the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, the Canadian Red Cross Stronger Together Nova Scotia Fund, as well as non-profit groups Adsum House and Bryony House that offer assistance to survivors of intimate partner violence.

A culture of rewarding excellence

At Admiral, they know that a business is only as good as its people. That’s why they go the extra mile to make sure every member of staff knows that the work they do is valued and appreciated.

As a thank you to all employees ahead of the Christmas holidays, retiring group CEO David Stevens and his wife gifted every Admiral member of staff £1,000 in recognition of how they helped make his 29 years with the company so exceptional.

This generous gesture was followed by the announcement by UK Insurance CEO Cristina Nestares that all Admiral employees would receive an extra 5 vacation days added to their 2020 holiday allocation.

Why Admiral wants you on their team

As the UK faces another round of strict lockdowns to help stem the growing number of COVID-19 cases, these measures have had a direct impact on the day-to-day operations of countless businesses across the country.

It’s here where Admiral’s team in Halifax is stepping up to help support their colleagues in its UK offices, to ensure the needs of Admiral’s valued customers are met seamlessly. 

With a number of their Halifax staff taking up relief support roles in Admiral’s New Business department, 30 six-month vacancies are left waiting to be filled in their Customer Loyalty department.

By providing employees with the staffing support infrastructure they need to navigate ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, Admiral leads by example with a proven people-first approach to its operations.

This is the first time that Admiral has offered temporary work terms as a means to help the local community as part of its broader COVID -19 strategy. As Admiral’s Halifax Site Director Bec Cable-Munroe says, it’s all part of their commitment to put people first.

“I think it speaks to our culture in that it’s different…we’re not afraid to try something new, and it’s creative. Again, it’s about supporting our customers and our existing staff, but also giving back to the community where people at this time need jobs…they need income.

Maybe Admiral wasn’t the place they thought they would work, or that this job wouldn’t be something they’d be interested in; but now we can give them some hope to have some kind of income and support while going through these difficult times.”

How you can join

Whether you’re a fresh post-secondary graduate or a professional working in the hospitality or service industry seeking temporary work as a result of COVID-19 closures, joining Admiral Insurance’s Customer Loyalty department for a six-month work-term could be the ideal solution.

That said, all applicants are welcome! Click here to submit your application now:

Application deadline: December 18, 2020

Work-term period: January 4, 2021 – July 4, 2021

*Successful applicants in good-standing may be eligible for an end-of-contract bonus of $3,000.

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