
NSCC Marconi Campus Relocation Study Contract Awarded

Government announced today, March 23, it has secured Dartmouth-based Ekistics Planning and Design to conduct a study in how best to relocate Nova Scotia Community College’s Marconi campus to Sydney’s downtown core.

Ekistics Planning and Design will consult with key stakeholders on all aspects of the project, including space requirements and potential locations, as well as campus design, student impacts and transportation needs. Its work will begin immediately, and conclude in eight months.

“We look forward to the advice and recommendations this study will provide as we continue to move ahead with this important relocation, which will help revitalize downtown Sydney,” said Municipal Affairs Minister Derek Mombourquette, on behalf of Labour and Advanced Education Minister Labi Kousoulis.

The contract was awarded through government’s procurement process, and is valued at $144,586.

Source: Release

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