NSLC robbery suspect arrested on transit bus

HRP release:

Halifax Regional Police arrested a suspect in a robbery that occurred earlier this week in Halifax.

On January 13 at approximately 1:30 p.m., officers responded to a robbery that had occurred at the NSLC located at 5657 Spring Garden Road. A man entered the store, selected a quantity of bottles of alcohol and left the store without attempting to pay. When confronted by Park Lane Mall Security, the man threatened them with a knife and fled the scene on foot.

At approximately 1:35 p.m., officers located and arrested the man a short distance away, after he had got on a Halifax Transit bus.

Paul Ningeogat, 23, was held to appear in Halifax provincial court on January 14 to face charges of:

  • Robbery
  • Possession of weapon dangerous to public peace
  • Disguise with intent
  • Fail to comply with probation order
  • Failure to comply with release orders

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