
Number Of Homeless Veterans In Canada Growing


Though homelessness in Canada is a situation that, sadly, far too many people face, homelessness among veterans — those who have fought and served for our country — is a particularly hard pill to swallow. With Remembrance Day right around the corner, is shining light on the growing number of veterans living on the streets with no place to turn.

In a recent online story the news outlet explores the connections between veterans who are homeless and the emotional scars and anguish of war they carry with them. According to the article many veterans returning to Canada from service overseas find that 'home' is no longer a place where they fit in. For those who are unable to reconnect and find belonging after living through the atrocities of war, drugs and alcohol addiction sometimes become a way of coping with post-traumatic stress disorder. Along with those addictions follows a cycle of poverty and social isolation.

The article also addresses measures from government, community and veterans groups aimed at helping struggling veterans back on their feet. We want to know your thoughts Haligonia: homeless veterans are often considered an invisible population amongst a group already marginalized. What can we as Canadians do to ensure those who have given so much for our nation have the help and support they need to stand and be recognized with dignity?

Read the full article here:

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