
October Beauty

This is Long Lake, very near here. There are narrow trails that follow all along the edge of the water and branch off into the woods. It is a leash free park so one meets lots of dogs along the way:) I don’t go nearly enough considering how close it is! So beautiful, especially this time of year. You can swim in this lake too!

Wasn’t that flash mob video in my last post fun? I knew it was going to happen so made sure I would be there a bit earlier. My heart was pounding with excitement. So strange to know that something big was about to happen while people quietly went about their business. So fun!
I was watching and enjoying but also thinking, eek, that’s what I’m going to have to do in January…. x6. My first big training goal is to be able to get through two aerobic/fitness classes in a day, eventually two back to back classes. I lift weights and walk but I don’t really GO FOR IT! So…….big positive changes for me. I would love it if you popped over to my page and supported me HERE. if you can, even 5$, it all ADDS up:)

I am raising $1000 for new digital mammogram equipment. Part of the reason I signed on was in the timing…… Xue’s anniversary; I just had a mammogram that day and today is my mom’s birthday and she is a survivor. I have had quite a few people close to me succumb to cancer. I thought I would do something to help fight it and help myself at the same time:)

Speaking of helping oneself, my favourite librarian has written a post about the importance of Vitamin D! Worth reading. Have a healthy happy day!

PS. Laura, so glad your bout with Swine Flu is over!!!!!!!!!!

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