Here’s another contribution to our Halloween celebrations from guest blogger Eric.
Way down!
Escape From Hell! – Hal Duncan
Four completely different figures die very different deaths and find themselves in a modernized Hell. This novelette reads supremely quickly, relying on sketchy characters in imaginative tortures, short chapters and high-speed suspense. Dark, gritty and no-holds barred, this is an intense read for mature readers.
Angel: After the Fall – Joss Whedon
(Speaking of California as Hell!) Just as Buffy the Vampire Slayer ended on television and continued in comic book form, the spin-off show Angel ended just as Hell swallowed Los Angeles, and resumed in this multi-volume graphic novel.
The first novel by this Canadian author tells the story of Zed, an orphaned girl who ekes out a livelihood in a building full of would-be-heroes and absolute villains. This is a darkly urban story, where good and evil blur together and the only way to survive is to stay in control.
Forget Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven, give me the dark comedy!
Part encyclopedia and part parody, this book examines the beings one might meet in Hell…from the obvious (Jack the Ripper – Murder) to the less well known (Vladimir Lenin – Adultery) to the purely demonic (Qedesh – Syrian goddess of Prostitution)!
Hell: an illustrated history of the nether world – Richard Craze
These three titles are entertaining and educational looks at Hell, containing lore from all over the world…of course, all this knowledge won’t be particularly useful, once you’re there!