
Old Sackville Winter Carnival? 2015 Brings Us Sackville Snow Days!

“Over the next few weeks there will be lots of promotion on this page for Sackville Snow Days which is a resurrection of the Sackville Winter Carnival from years ago.

This event will take place in various locations from Feb. 13-16th (our new Feb. long weekend)

The Sackville Community Development Association (SCDA) is the group that runs this page ( the website and @sackvillenovascotia on Twitter. We have taken on the task of organizing the Sackville Snow Days Parade on Feb. 14th. From doing the Patriot Days parade these past 17 years we know the success of this event depends on volunteers. This is where you can help-we require about 25 volunteers to help us stage and run the parade. It is about a 2-hour time commitment.

We also would like to encourage all our smaller communities to consider putting an entry in the parade. We would love to see some friendly rivalry among Beaver Bank, Mid., Upper and Lower Sackville, Windsor Junction, the high schools, Kinsac, etc. Links to registering for the parade will soon be posted here and we would love to see lots of representation.

Remember, the parade’s success depends on the community involvement.

Anyone wishing to go on our volunteer roster please message me through this page. Thanks. Please share freely to get the word out.”

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