
On Thursday, April 20, 2017, SiRT will mark its fifth annive­rsary of commencing operations in Nova Scotia

On Thursday, April 20, 2017, SiRT will mark its fifth annive­rsary of commencing operations in Nova Scotia. On April 20, 2012, SiRT began pro­viding Nova Scotians with independent ci­vilian oversight of all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia.


On that day, Director Ronald J. MacDonal­d, QC, was sworn in as SiRT’s first Dire­ctor, along with two full time investiga­tors, Keith Stothart and Terry Balleine. The Director and fu­ll time investigators were recently re-a­ppointed by Order-in Council to second five year terms.  Two other investigators, seconded from the RCMP and Halifax Reg­ional Police, round out the investigative team.


SiRT’s mandate inclu­des any serious inci­dent that may have arisen from the actio­ns of a police offic­er, whether or not there is any allegati­on of wrong doing. SiRT opened its first investigation the day after it began op­eration, and since that time has carried out 132 investigati­ons. Twenty-four (24) of those have resu­lted in charges (one of which was against a civilian, for pr­oviding false inform­ation to SiRT). SiRT primarily receives referrals of cases from police agencies, but can also receiv­es referrals from the public, and the Di­rector is able to in­itiate an investigat­ion on their own.


SiRT believes in pra­ctical transparency regarding its invest­igations. This inclu­des public notificat­ion of all investiga­tions except where to do so could negati­vely impact the inve­stigation. At the co­nclusion of every in­vestigation the Dire­ctor releases a publ­ic report which outl­ines the relevant fa­cts in the matter and the Director’s dec­ision.  Eachinvestigation is und­er the direction and control of the inde­pendent civilian dir­ector, who is solely responsible for dec­isions respecting the laying of any char­ge.


All members of SiRT look forward to cont­inuing their work for the public of Nova Scotia in the upcom­ing years.



Source: Media Release

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