
One Year Later-A Reason To Celebrate

One Year Later-A Reason To Celebrate

My Teen One Year Later!


One year later and I don’t feel so Wordless, I feel like celebrating and dancing. It has been a LONG exhausting road to health but my teen is well on her way.

She had to endure much over that year: first it was daily check ins with a crisis team as we waited for a hospital bed, a hospital stay, and 10 months of not being in a classroom in the TDSB. Yeah, I know most teens would think of that as an extended vacation but my teen missed the classroom, she was aching to learn.

Her health is now stable which I am thankful for and well her teachers at her new school all love and are thrilled to have her in the classroom. We won’t talk about her grades which continue to amaze her mom ( high 80′s and 90′s across the board).  She is making friends and thriving. It has been a long hard fought battle for her and for me as her advocate but each day I draw strength from my teen. She has done the work, she has pushed through every barrier that was thrown at her, and she is well and happy.

What more could a mom ask for? Nothing!

I have my happy confident teen and for that I am more grateful then words can express.

For any parents who are struggling to get their teen diagnosed with a mental health issue, don’t give, don’t quit, the path is long and hard but push and push some more because here in Ontario there is no one else doing it. My teen pulled through, but so many teens today don’t.

I have been told by my teens doctors and teachers that she is a rare success story and I am grateful every day that she is, because one year ago I almost lost her and today well I just want to celebrate her!




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