Open data program formalized, new data sets released

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is pleased to advise residents that five new data sets have been added to the online catalogue, following Regional Council’s decision in August to formalize the Open Data program with the adoption of Administrative Order 2014-006-ADM Respecting Open Data.

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is pleased to advise residents that five new data sets have been added to the online catalogue, following Regional Council’s decision in August to formalize the Open Data program with the adoption of Administrative Order 2014-006-ADM Respecting Open Data.

The five new data sets include: tax area rates; elevation contours; spot heights; parking meter locations; and, pre-amalgamation boundaries. Criteria contained within the Administrative Order guides the municipality in selecting new data sets for release, including a requirement to release data sets at least once per year.

The municipality has also moved the open data catalogue to another software platform powered by ESRI technology. ESRI’s platform provides enhanced user benefits and increased functionality at no additional cost to the municipality. The existing Socrata and new ESRI platforms will both be accessible online for the month of October to ease the transition for users.

Residents may continue to submit ideas to the municipality for additional data sets they would like to see released. Upcoming data set releases will be posted online in the communications section of the catalogue, and at

Source: Release

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