
Open Heart Farming 2014

Open Heart Farming is looking for submissions of poems for the 2014 edition!!

Marie Ellen Blog Image 1

This is the third year that I’m putting together an issue of Open Heart Farming – a simple legal size sheet of approximately 20 poems on the themes of farming and all things food-related.

  Open Heart Farming (affectionately referred to as ‘ohfarming’) is based on my belief that everyone has a voice that deserves to be listened to with respect. 

The seed:

Ohfarming provides a welcoming place for anyone to share their poem or lyrics. The poems are ‘kernels’ of a person’s story – a sharing of pride, respect, hope. When you cast a poem out there you never know where it may end up.

The issue is available in print (please pass on to a friend,) and online.  You may even catch a reading or launch!  The poems have found their way to places such as India, Germany, and Bear River, NS.  Several have gone on to be published elsewhere including  Rural Delivery Magazine and EAC’s Between the Issues Open Heart Farming is a special annual issue of HRM’s Open Heart Forgery and the two previous issues can be seen at

The *manure: 

Manure is great!  It feeds the land.  Ohfarming poems ‘feed’ people.  The poems touch people in different ways – a reflection, reminiscence, a heart-ache, a slap-your thigh funny!   It’s wonderful to see the poets gain confidence from reading their poems, and to hear someone in the audience sigh “ahhh” – it has struck something in them.  The poet, often humbled by the response, knows their voice has impact and is important.

Here’s the call for poems and I hope you’ll consider sending in a poem.  Please share this with anyone you think might be interested.   Open Heart Farming 2014 will be officially launched at the Farmers’ Markets of Nova Scotia’s AGM this spring.

Yours in the land,

Mary Ellen Sullivan


Join the passionate poets of Open Heart Farming!

Residents of Nova Scotia are invited to submit poems or lyrics on the themes of farming and all things food-related for the third annual issue of OPEN HEART FARMING.  Size requirements: not to exceed 28 lines long and 43 spaces wide.  Please include your municipality.  Email submissions to  Deadline March 28/14. View previous issues at

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